meet debra

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
Debra’s life story is a testimony of her incredible courage that enabled her to survive one of the most catastrophic child abuse cases ever recorded in Missouri history. Her amazing strength helped her overcome a childhood foundation built on daily terror, torment and near-death experiences. Debra conquered a horrendous early life, and today helps others through her faith-based blogs and books. She tells her readers that what we're desperately searching for in this life is alive within us.
Over several years, Debra was going down the path of self-destruction, self-doubt and complete life regression. She managed to dedicate her mind, body and soul to a life of healing from the inside out, rather than the path of self-destruction. Today, she shares her life lessons, and faith-based, biblical teachings with her readers in order to lead others to Christ Jesus, as it was in the beginning and still is God's ultimate plan for each of our lives.
Debra is a woman who has proven time and time again that she has a profound passion to conquer the challenges of life. Debra's readers find that they are changed forever when she reveals the true meaning of why we are here, the importance of prayer, and the need for a deep-seated relationship with God. She's an example of a woman with a new perspective, a new mindset about life because of her faith.
Her powerful faith-based blogs and books are life transforming, everlasting and timeless for everyone. She says, “When we hear His voice of correction, we must be willing to follow it.”
Debra begins each day alone with the Lord in prayer. She knows that communion with Him is a way to instill purpose into her day. She also knows evil is prevalent in our fallen world, but God can turn every circumstance around for the good of all. She knows her strength is not of the flesh, but that of our helper, our companion, the Holy Spirit.
As an unstoppable believer, Debra knows those who love God are holy and are set apart for sacred use. We are all called according to His purpose.
Debra has committed spending her life communicating God's word to all who will listen.